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/************************************** * THEME NAME: wood * * Files included in this sheet: * * wood/styles_color.css **************************************/ /***** wood/styles_color.css start *****/ /** * Adds all the nice finish to the standard theme * */ /** First of all, we reset some undesired styles from standard **/ .forumheaderlist .discussion .starter, .forumpost .starter, #grade-index table .generaltableheader, #grade-index table .generalboxcontent, #grade-exceptions table .generaltableheader, #grade-exceptions table .generalboxcontent, #mod-glossary-report .generalbox .teacher, #mod-assignment-submissions table.submissions th, #mod-assignment-submissions table.submissions td, #mod-assignment-submissions .feedback .content, #mod-assignment-submissions .feedback .topic, #mod-assignment-submissions .feedback .picture, form.mform fieldset.hidden, form.mform fieldset.hidden fieldset.fgroup, ul.tabrow1 li a:link, ul.tabrow1 li a:visited, .sideblock .r0, .sideblock .r1, .generaltable .cell, div.sideblock table.minicalendar, .sideblock .hide-show-image { border:none; background:none; } /** General HTML tags defined here **/ body { background-color:#CC9966; background-image:url(background.jpg); } table { border:none; } div { color:#330000; } .tabledivider, hr { border-top:solid 1px #FFCC99; border-left:solid 1px #FFCC99; border-bottom:solid 1px #330000; border-right:solid 1px #330000; height: 0px; } div#footer { margin-top: 5px; } /** Links defined here **/ a:link, a:visited { color:#990000; } a.autolink:link, a.autolink:visited { background: #99FFCC; } /** All the tabs stuff starts here **/ .tabs .r0, .tabs .r1 { background:none; } .tabs .side, .tabrow0 a { border-color: #330000; } /* Links in tabs */ /* non-selected */ .tabrow0 a:link span, .tabrow0 a:visited span, .tabrow0 .here .tabrow1 a:link span, .tabrow0 .here .tabrow1 a:visited span, ul.tabrow1 li a:link, ul.tabrow1 li a:visited { color: #990000; } /* selected */ .tabrow0 .here a:link span, .tabrow0 .here a:visited span, .tabrow0 .here .tabrow1 .here a:link span, .tabrow0 .here .tabrow1 .here a:visited span, ul.tabrow1 li.here a:link, ul.tabrow1 li.here a:visited { color: #330000; } /* Normal tabs */ .tabrow0 a { background:url(pix/tab/left.gif) top left no-repeat; } .tabrow0 a span { background:url(pix/tab/right.gif) top right no-repeat; } /* This could be not needed. Leaving it for now, anyway. Used in case we want different last element. */ .tabrow0 .last a span { background: url(pix/tab/right_end.gif) top right no-repeat; } /* Normal tabs hover */ .tabrow0 a:hover { background-image:url(pix/tab/left_hover.gif); } .tabrow0 a:hover span { background-image:url(pix/tab/right_hover.gif); } /* This could be not needed. Leaving it for now, anyway. Used in case we want different last element. */ .tabrow0 .last a:hover span { background-image:url(pix/tab/right_hover.gif); } /* Selected tabs */ .tabrow0 .active a, .tabrow0 .selected a { background:url(pix/tab/left_active.gif) top left no-repeat; } .tabrow0 .active a span, .tabrow0 .selected a span { background:url(pix/tab/right_active.gif) top right no-repeat; } /* This could be not needed. Leaving it for now, anyway. Used in case we want different last element. */ .tabrow0 .last .active a span, .tabrow0 .last .selected a span{ background:url(pix/tab/right_active.gif) top left no-repeat; } /* Selected tabs hover */ .tabrow0 .active a:hover, .tabrow0 .selected a:hover { background:url(pix/tab/left_active.gif) top left no-repeat; } .tabrow0 .active a:hover span, .tabrow0 .selected a:hover span { background:url(pix/tab/right_active.gif) top right no-repeat; } /* This could be not needed. Leaving it for now, anyway. Used in case we want different last element. */ .tabrow0 .last .active a:hover span, .tabrow0 .last .selected a:hover span{ background:url(pix/tab/right_active.gif) top left no-repeat; } .tabrow1.empty { border-top:solid 1px #FFCC99; border-left:solid 1px #FFCC99; border-bottom:solid 1px #330000; border-right:solid 1px #330000; height: 0px; } .tabrow2.empty { border:none; height:0px; } .breadcrumb .sep { color:#330000; } /** Styles to have the blocks showed and hidden properly **/ #left-column .hidden .header, #right-column .hidden .header { border-bottom-color:#330000; } /** Places using the horizontal medium wood texture with borders **/ th.header, td.header, div.header, h2.header, h2.main, .sideblock .header, .navbar, table.files th, .tabrow0 ul, legend, #mod-assignment-submissions table.submissions th, #mod-assignment-submissions .feedback tr, .que .feedback, #footer-bar { border-top:1px solid #FFCC99; border-left:1px solid #FFCC99; border-bottom:1px solid #330000; border-right:1px solid #330000; background-image:url(gradient1.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; } /** Places using the horizontal medium wood texture without borders **/ #mod-chat-gui_header_js-chatinput, .forumpost .header, .forumpost .header .starter, .glossarypost .entryheader, .glossarycomment .entryheader, .glossarypost .entryattachment, #grade-index .header, #grade-exceptions .header, #calendar .maincalendar .eventlist .event .topic { background-image:url(gradient1.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; border:none; } /** Places using the vertical ultra-white wood texture with borders **/ .results, .loginbox, .generalboxcontent, .informationboxcontent, .noticeboxcontent, .entryboxheader, .entrybox, .userinfobox, .generaltable, .groupinfobox, .forumheaderlist, .forumpost, .que, .que .answer, #course-user .section, #site-index .sitetopic .sitetopiccontent, #calendar .maincalendar .filters table, #calendar .sidecalendar, #calendar .sidecalendar .filters table, .block_calendar_month .filters table, #calendar .maincalendar .minicalendar, #calendar .sidecalendar .minicalendar, .message-discussion-noframes #messages, .block_calendar_month .minicalendar, #calendar .maincalendar .eventlist .event, #calendar .maincalendar, .coursebox, .categorybox, .cal_popup_fg, #course-view .section td.content, table.files, #admin-index .generalbox, .generalbox, .admin .generalbox, form.mform fieldset, #adminsettings fieldset { border-top:1px solid #FFCC99; border-left:1px solid #FFCC99; border-bottom:1px solid #330000; border-right:1px solid #330000; background-image:url(gradient2.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; } .loginbox.twocolumns .loginpanel { border-right:1px solid #330000; } .loginbox, .loginbox .subcontent { border-top:1px solid #FFCC99; } /** Places using the vertical ultra-white wood texture without borders **/ #mod-chat-gui_header_js-users, #grade-index .generaltableheader, #grade-index .generalboxcontent, #grade-exceptions .generaltableheader, #grade-exceptions .generalboxcontent, .generaltable td, .generaltable .cell, .forumheaderlist td, .forumpost .left, .r0 { background-image:url(gradient2.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; border:none; } /** Places using the white wood texture with borders **/ .sideblock .content { border-top:1px solid #FFCC99; border-left:1px solid #FFCC99; border-bottom:1px solid #330000; border-right:1px solid #330000; background-image:url(gradient4.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; } /** Places using the white wood texture without borders **/ .nonefornow { background-image:url(gradient4.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; border:none; } /** Places using the vertical medium wood texture with borders **/ #notused, #course-view .section td.side { border-top:1px solid #FFCC99; border-left:1px solid #FFCC99; border-bottom:1px solid #330000; border-right:1px solid #330000; background-image:url(gradient3.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; } /** Places using the vertical medium wood texture without borders **/ .glossarypost .left, .glossarycomment .left, #calendar .maincalendar .eventlist .event .picture, #calendar .maincalendar .eventlist .event .side { background-image:url(gradient3.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; border:none; } /** Places using the horizontal dark wood texture with borders **/ .cal_popup_bg { border-top:1px solid #FFCC99; border-left:1px solid #FFCC99; border-bottom:1px solid #330000; border-right:1px solid #330000; background-image:url(background.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; } /** Places using the horizontal dark wood texture without borders **/ .glossarycategoryheader { background-image:url(background.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:repeat; border:none; } /** Places using a white background **/ table .flexible .r1, #mod-survey-view table tr.r1, #calendar .maincalendar .eventlist .event .description, #message-messages, .glossarypost .entry, .glossarycomment .entry, .glossarypost .entrylowersection { background: none; background-color: white; border:none; } /** Places using a green border **/ .unread { border-top:1px solid #99FF99; border-left:1px solid #99FF99; border-bottom:1px solid #99FF99; border-right:1px solid #99FF99; border-collapse: separate; } /** Places using just standard borders **/ .read, .glossarypost, .glossarycomment, #mod-assignment-submissions .submissions { border-top:1px solid #FFCC99; border-left:1px solid #FFCC99; border-bottom:1px solid #330000; border-right:1px solid #330000; border-collapse: separate; } /** Changing some standard colors **/ .grade-report-grader #user-grades tr.groupavg td.cell, .grade-report-grader #user-grades tr.avg td.cell { color: #330000; } /***** wood/styles_color.css end *****/